Yair Leolam has established itself as an organization that empowers children to reach out and respond to the needs of the Jewish community. While tragedy and misfortune doesn’t discriminate between households, Yair Leolam is there to inspire and encourage youth to provide a helping hand. We are particularly proud of all the acts of kindness done by children for children…
Here is a glimpse of What We Do
Bar mitzvah celebrations
BBQ for Lone Soldiers
Big Brother for kids in need
Carnival for kids in orphanage
Carnival for kids at war
Carnival for Kids with developmental disabilities
Carnival for kids with special needs
Carnival for victims of terror (one family fund)
Chanukah at orhphange in Sanhedria
Dance groups for victims of war
Food packaging for the needy
Magician for needy kids
Pesach Seder for the elderly
Pre-chanukah dancing with orphanage
Purim carnival for kids with broken homes
School activities for children in need
School chessed programs
Simcha layeled
Summer leadership pics
YTS with ALEH children