We are excited about all of our Chesed activities and need continued resources to maintain Yair Leolam’s current programs as well as to realize our visions for further growth. Please assist us in continuing Yair’s ז”ל legacy of giving to those in need. You can send a check payable to Yair Leolam to:
Yair Leolam Inc. c/o Litman
70 Vermont Avenue
Oceanside, NY 11572
Your contribution is tax-deductible under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
If you are interested in sending a shekel donation, please send a check payable to Keren Yair Leolam to:
Yair Leolam (C/O Elmaleh)
Rechov Hachavazelet 12 bet
Bet Shemesh, 99590 ISRAEL
For credit card donations, please contact our office at office@yairleolam.org.
On behalf of the children who will benefit from your donation, we thank you for keeping Yair’s flame of “Chesed” burning.